Thursday, February 13, 2014

End Tutorial 4. 12/12 complete. 4/5 parts complete.

7 - Working with topology tools
(picture unavailable)

8 - Reprojecting detail

9 - Texturing using Spotlight

10 - Transferring polypaint

11 - Extracting normal and displacement maps

12 - Volume 4 assignment

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Creating using Shadowbox. 12/12 complete. 3/5 parts complete.

6 - Using texture maps

7 - Adding surface noise

8 - Using shadowbox
(Picture unavailable)

9 - Remeshing geometry

10 - Projecting detail

11 - Clipping geometry

12 - Volume 3 assignment

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Painting the bases. 5/12 complete. 2/5 parts complete.

2 - Working with materials

3 - Polypainting basics

4 - Painting with strokes and alphas

5 - Working with UVs

Complimentary tanks and aliens. 2/5 parts complete.

10 - Working with panel loops

11 - Sculpting with stencils

12 - Modifying strokes

13 - Extracting geometry

14 - Volume 2 Assignment
UPDATE: I will work on the assigned projects as soon as my sister finishes her concept art of a character and their scene. The expected initiation of that project is after the 3rd or 4th tutorial.

Continuing on. 9/14 complete. 1/5 parts complete.

6 - Deforming geometry

7 - Sculpting the character

8 - Using QRemesher

9 - Using custom alphas